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Lusher High School

New Orleans, LA

Lusher Charter School in New Orleans, one of the highest ranked charter schools in Louisiana, was damaged by street flooding from Hurricane Katrina, and also suffered from decades of neglect since it's construction in 1931. The charter was fighting an uphill battle to meet their standard of excellence in the dilapidated facility.

After the storm, FEMA provided funding for exterior envelope rehabilitation and a new mechanical system. Utilizing these funds, we worked with the charter and designed a stabilization plan that includes a new roof, and restoration of historic wood windows, masonry and water damaged plaster. The renovation features new lighting and mechanical systems, completely rebuilt student restrooms and refurbished classrooms and lab space. The result is an award winning renovation that provides an inviting, supportive and safe learning environment.

  • Client

    Lusher Charter School
  • Project Type

    Education · Renovation · Historic Preservation
  • Awards

    Louisiana Landmarks Society Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation 2017
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