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Lusher Lions Gate Theater

New Orleans, LA

Lusher Charter School, a magnet school in New Orleans, is the second highest ranked charter school in Louisiana, with a standard of excellence in their arts’ based curriculum. However, their High School/ Middle School campus was without a real theater space for its’ drama program, forcing the department to go off campus for productions.

We took a 6,380 SF area at the first floor of their existing building that sat unimproved since the school was built in 1931 and constructed a Black Box Theater, with all attendant acoustical, lighting and audio features, along with associated dressing rooms, costume shop, offices, classrooms and conference rooms for the Drama Department, and a new theater lobby with art gallery space and patron restrooms. The Lion’s Gate Theater is now used for dramatic productions, recitals, and student art installations at the school.

  • Client

    Lusher Charter School
  • Project Type

    Education · Renovation
Scnz Lions Gate Web Ready 3
Scnz Lions Gate Web Ready 2
Scnz Lions Gate Web Ready 1