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Starlight Studios

New Orleans, LA

The developers/owners of what would become Starlight Studios asked SCNZ to provide a masterplan to turn an undeveloped tract of land in New Orleans East into a motion picture studio campus. The property sits next to an existing building complex, abandoned since Hurricane Katrina. We worked with the Owners to develop a masterplan that utilized the existing adjacent structures, allowed for cost efficiency & flexibility of use in the initial phase, anticipated future expansion, and worked with the features of the existing property.

Phase 1 included renovating one of the adjacent buildings into production space to support the sound stages, construction of site infrastructure, a guard house, a 30,000 sq. ft. soundstage building (Stage 1), and a 12,300 sq. ft. soundstage building (Stage 2). We utilized affordable, pre-engineered metal buildings with R-panel exteriors to create the large, clear span soundstage buildings - Stage 1 is the largest in the region. This allowed us the spend the limited funds on the features most important to production on the inside of the stages. This includes a massive structural grid suspended from the roof framing for production lighting and sets, a ‘quiet’ HVAC system, convenient and ample power, and sprayed acoustic insulation throughout the sound stages. Additionally, the masterplan allowed for use of a portion of an existing wooded area for outdoor sets, as well as preserving many of the majestic oak trees on the site.

Phase 2, currently in design, will include an additional soundstage, warehouse/shop space, a streetscape back lot, & additional parking & staging areas. Recent productions filmed at the studios include The Hunt, Queen Of The South, The Purge, & Cloak & Dagger.

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